Branded URL shortener

I would like to create branded URL shortener with my domain. Will this be possible to do at Wix in the near future? #featurerequest

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This is a good feature request! Thanks for sharing it with us :slight_smile:

Hi, you can achieve this with Corvid. Example: (Although this is complicated)

Basically purchase a domain of your choice then:

  • Create a dashboard where you can shorten URLs (there will be some expertise required for coding this part to generate a shortened version of your URL)

  • Store the URLs (both destination and shortened versions) in a database collection

  • Create a dynamic page with the unique URL you generated on your dashboard, use the unique code as the URL path

  • Use a Before Router hook to lookup the path name and return the destination URL as a redirect parameter whenever the dynamic page is visited

But then again, its going to require coding expertise so not sure everyone will like the suggestion.


Thanks Shan this is very useful!

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Woohoo! Thank you Shan.

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Hi Sheyla, anything new in regards to my feature request?

@livingfromtheheart hi there! Not at the moment - but it looks like @shantanukumar847 shared a solution below :slight_smile:

@sheyla No, that solution doesn’t work for me - too complicated!

@livingfromtheheart Oh no! Perhaps you can collaborate with another partner - you may want to post in Network & Opportunities .

Thanks, it works. You do not need dynamic page, regular page is good enough, if the URL you are making short is an existing URL on other page or website.