[SOLVED] Site is down with CHROME / EDGE ... works with MOZILLA FIREFOX

I uninstalled all the add-on apps - HubSpot, RabbitSEO, etc. The website works fine now. Try uninstalling unnecessary apps, it might solve the issue.


Today I’m showing the new editor again.
Everything seems to work - and at the same speed it did before I started this thread.

In other words, back to where the site was a week ago, plus the new editor.
Thanks for the hard work on the development side.

After further investigation:

What I said above, however, the site is generally very unstable.
Lots of strange glitches - some repeat, others appear randomly.

Example of steady glitch:
The first time a user (who is subscribed to a FREE TRIAL) clicks on a premium page, the user is sent to the “Plans Prices” page, instead of getting the premium page she clicked. If the user then clicks any other premium page, all is normal …

Wix editor is not working on Chrome or Edge but works on Firefox wtf?