Hover effect for menu items and current site state

For the HOVER effect, I’ve found this but it has problems with the code (picture)

$w.onReady(function () {
    //removing the underline when the page is ready
    //removing the underline when not hovering the text
    //adding the underline when hovering the text

function removeUnderline(){
    let oldHtmlStr = $w('#horizontalMenu1').html;
    let newHtmlStr = oldHtmlStr.replace( /underline/i, 'none'); 
    $w('#horizontalMenu1').html = newHtmlStr;   

function addUnderline(){
    let oldHtmlStr = $w('#horizontalMenu1').html;
    let newHtmlStr = oldHtmlStr.replace( /none/i, 'underline'); 
    $w('#horizontalMenu1').html = newHtmlStr;   
