BETA Unlocked: Proposals

Right now, I loved this! I will update my comment after sending some proposals.

It will be good to speak to your client to make sure that they have received your proposal and if they have any queries about it. Thanks!

Yes 50/50 is a must have for me as well, in order to migrate my on boarding process over to Wix

Hey! This is a really great idea!!
I love where the direction of this ship is pointing.

Could I suggest something crazy?
What if our partner dashboard was able to link to our Wix Company Sites?

:hushed: This way, the design of the proposal etc. would live within the editor.
The text and data could be easily managed from the Wix Partner Dashboard. What I’m proposing is what other CRMs call a Client Portal . The portal is where design meets data (just like this proposal project Wix is working on). But instead of trying to manage the design of the proposal from the Dashboard, you’d design the portal (and the proposals etc.) just like you would when designing a site with a Member Login > Dynamic Pages > Connecting to Data (which in this case would be Partner Dashboard Data).

:smirk:If Wix enabled Partners to design a client portal that connected with their Wix Partner Dashboard (invoicing/billing history/subscriptions/maybe even a way for clients to submit site updates or see their latest site feedback links) there would be no reason for a Wix Agency or Wix Partner to use any other CRM.

:sunglasses: I know it’s bananas to suggest huge shifts like combining partner dashboard with a single site dashboard, but I assume since other CRMs are able to work with Wix via Webhooks/APIs then Wix would be able to work with one of it’s own websites.

:rocket:Just a thought! AMAZING work ya’ll!! ON WARD AND UPWARD


This ressource is pretty usefull, me and my team just found it and are starting to use it.

The only issue that we have on our side is that the price and description of the items and services created in the invoice area will not follow when selecting them.

Outside than that the other comment have already mention most of the things that we would appreciate.

50/50 deposit and payment
Automatic invoice generation

Thanks for letting me know if I am the only one with the issue

Question @gaim , I see that I can use the dynamic variables for Partner Website and Partner emails. Which other Dynamic values can we use in the proposals? That will make this an even easier process of building and automating if we know what is pulling from our other information?

Also, I don’t see any way to add these {variables} through the UI, like we would have been able to before with the Email Marketing editor.

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That would help so much to automate

Yaay just had my first proposal on this system accepted. I thought I would be able to see the signature on the document. I know its just a name insert. am I missing somehting. This would be a nice feature if it was possible to see. Would help if needed to produce authenticity, just a thought.

I am enjoying it. I would definitely appreciate being able to set up my own template from one of the originals I fin myself duplicating a lot to try and speed the process up but it pulls though all the client data which could be overlooked it I dont remember to overtype. I think this has been mentioned before.

But really do love this overall. Thanks again guys :slight_smile:

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@gaim I’m assuming that this is available to partners in a certain tier. I don’t have access to client billing as I’m just getting started. However, what makes no sense to me is that beta features are only for certain tiers. I have two people that I’m trying to sway from other platforms and being able to show them this, even by sending them a proposal would be helpful. Same thing with some other betas I’ve noticed that are only for certain tiers.

It would also help those of us who are just starting out to have access to all beta features since at times that can be the thing that gets them to sign on. Just a thought.

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Similar issue but on the client side. See screen recording.
This was tried yesterday on both Ios and Android + Chrome Windows 11

@duckmarketing we’ll check it out and get back to you. thanks!

Interesting idea, the issue I can see from the Wix side is probably that not everyone who just starts out is as serious as you are.

I do think there is this room for this to be a benefit of dedication to client work, rather than those who are building sites for themselves like many non-Partner Wix Users.

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Can you try again and let us know how it goes?

Thanks, nothing went wrong so it seems handled. Invoice was generated after completion

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Finally have time to properly respond. I totally see their side as well. I’m an expert on a competitor product and have recently moved all my design work back to Wix after using both platforms. My target market is indie authors and creators who can’t afford the thousands for a completely custom site. I offer everything from pick a template and plug in your info to customs based on a template like I did with mine. I’m learning Editor X but that’s a learning curve for sure.

Another thing I offer is building out social communities which Wix is of course good for. Tons of indies like myself are having massive issues with Meta and are looking to build around their own site. Next up on the list is mastering Ascend. I just dumped like 4 products I was using that Ascend handles and went with the Unlimited plan, which is probably more than I need but husband said get it so I did lol.

That’s probably more info than you cared for but thought I’d share.

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Thanks for the feedback.
we’ll check why the price and description are not pulled from your services list.
regarding automatically creating an invoice - at the moment it can be done through the settings of price quotes.

Hi Chris. thanks for the feedback.
currently we do not support the creation of templates so dynamic variables are not supported as well. we see this is highly requested and are looking into it

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Definitely. I hope it’s one of the more low hanging fruit, since there are already a few that are included. Also, please add me as a +1 to the saving of custom templates.

Great job Wix Team.

Totally agree with your point @noahlovell & @amazingat613 .

I would like to add a payment method as manual too.

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LOVE this new tool. Apologies, if this answered somewhere in this deep thread. Once a proposal is accepted, is it like a quote where we can choose not to convert into an invoice and send separate invoices according to a payment schedule?

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