#featurerequest Remove Orders From Being Created With Every Single Booking

All of a sudden I am seeing an Order be created with EVERY booking that’s coming in for all of my websites. I am not sure why this is happening or its purpose but it’s not necessary within my dashboard.

Please allow an option to turn this off. It is flooding the Inbox section of each of my customers when I open it to message them. They are all paying when booking and so an order or invoice of any kind is really not needed. It would be nice if we were asked if we want these changes instead of them just being forced on us, or at least given an option to turn them off.



Hi, Thanks for sharing that!
As you wrote, for any new bookings, there will be new orders from now. This is because of the new enhanced bookings platform that brings many other benefits that we will share in the upcoming webinar.

I pass your request to the team, but in the meantime, I recommend you filter them by your needs for a better experience.

Oren from the Wix Bookings team

Filter them? I really don’t see how filtering them helps with any of the issues I’ve mentioned so I’m rather confused by your suggestion?

Especially my issue with orders being created flooding the inbox of my contacts in my dashboard without purpose. The inbox already uses the space it has rather inefficiently, but yet you now add countless orders flooding in to it, which makes it less useful… your UI/UX should be revisited.