Wix Forms Transaction Field

Hi, I’m currently working on a website for a summer day camp. I was working on a registration form for it where you can fill out your camper’s info and then pay by the camper. The way it works is let’s say you have 3 campers, you click the drop down menu and click 3, using a rule in the form feature, it will reveal 3 registration boxes for the campers. The only issue is that there is that for some reason you cannot add a “Transaction Field” to a rule, it just simpily doesn’t show up. I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this or if there is any work around? (I will link some picutres as well)

Wix Studio Forms Feature

What are you trying to achieve:
I want it so that I can hide the transaction box and it will be revealed only upon the selection of a drop down box from a previous question.

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