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Chris Derrell
Velo Master
Velo Master
Aug 11, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hey Guys, I think either I'm using the Wix AudioPlayer element incorrectly, or the api is no longer exposed. I'm not able to find any of the features from$w.AudioPlayer.html
Audio Element not Exposing API content media
Chris Derrell
Velo Master
Velo Master
Aug 11, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hey Wix Team, Just a heads up, myself and another Wix user had a bad gateway issue, where we couldn't access these forums. Not sure if this is the avenue to report this. I fixed it by clearing cache, or using it from an incognito tab
Chris Derrell
Velo Master
Velo Master
Aug 08, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hey Everyone, I'm trying to catch the event that occurs when someone pays for a Wix Paid Plan. I know that the user who pays for the plan is assigned a role with the same name as the plan, e.g. Plan called "Chocolate Lovers" adds role "Chocolate Lovers" to my user object. The issue I have is that if I want to pay for "Chocolate Lovers" again, to download a new piece of chocolate for example, there's no way to know that I just paid for another piece of chocolate. As you can see, I have a dilemna! Is there a way to capture that event in code? #paidmembership #members #wixpaidplans #paidplans #chocolate
Chris Derrell
Velo Master
Velo Master
Feb 26, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi Guys, Just a question regarding Reactive JavaScript. I've been looking for a way to cancel an animation mid change during an onMouseOut event. As it is, if a user moves their mouse too quickly, they will have to endure the entire sequence of an animation, sometimes not running the event handler for the second animation at all. Hoping to hear some good news, if not about Observables, about being able to cancel animations. Thanks in advance, Chris
Chris Derrell
Velo Master
Velo Master
Feb 07, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hey Guys, Is there a way to pass objects and functions between the page code and site code, without using local & session variables, or the database? Looking for something as quick and dirty as the import statement. Thanks in advance!
Chris Derrell
Velo Master
Velo Master
Jan 29, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hey Guys, having an issue when trying to edit the design of the paging buttons on the older Wix Blog. After clicking the design button in Pagination, nothing happens. Opening the chrome console shows the following error. It then goes on to crash the entire site, causing blocking on other previously working functions, as well as completely blocking dialogs from loading on all other page elements. There's a brief flash as if the dialog is attempting to open in the top right corner of the screen. This happens specifically on the Custom Feed element, I haven't tested any others. Hoping to see a fix soon. Chris Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'styleType' of null at Object.createNewStyleByDef (styleManager.js:94) at Object.getTempStyleId (styleManager.js:246) at Object.getStateFromProps (changeStyleDesignPanel.js:83) at Object.getResetState (designPanelMixin.js:36) at Object.getInitialState (designPanelMixin.js:27) at new <anonymous> (create-react-class.min.js:1) at p._constructComponentWithoutOwner (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at p._constructComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at p.mountComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at Object.mountComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at h.mountChildren (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at h._createInitialChildren (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at h.mountComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at Object.mountComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at performInitialMount (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at p.mountComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at Object.mountComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at p._updateRenderedComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at p._performComponentUpdate (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at p.updateComponent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at performUpdateIfNecessary (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:13) at Object.performUpdateIfNecessary (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at s (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at r.perform (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:15) at o.perform (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:15) at o.perform (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at Object.T [as flushBatchedUpdates] (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at r.closeAll (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:15) at r.perform (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:15) at Object.batchedUpdates (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at Object.i [as batchedUpdates] (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at dispatchEvent (VM109818 react-dom.min.js:14) at HTMLDocument.d (raven.js:418) at HTMLDocument.nrWrapper (b533aaa1-fd25-4e09-a0ff-9fd2ebf4f21d?metaSiteId=4ce83dc6-9a7a-4879-b256-54ba7dbf2545&editorSessionId=ADF731FB-AF83-4833-BBD6-01ADA9A8F139:11)
Pagination Design Giving Error on Wix Blog #Bug content media

Chris Derrell

Forum Moderator
Velo Master
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