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International Covid Summit
Jun 04, 2023
In Coding with Velo
Wix declares that the maximum upload size is "15GB per file", but it only accepts max 1GB. How do I upload larger files?
Why can't I upload large video files? content media
International Covid Summit
May 30, 2023
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, when users become site members I want to assign to them WRITER PERMISSION on my site's blog automatically. Is there a way of doing that from code? In alternative, I'd like to create a form so they can create a blog post without giving them access to my dashboard. Thanks!
International Covid Summit
May 29, 2023
In Coding with Velo
I have 2 TextInput objects and 1 SelectionTags object, all linked to a dataset. To modify them, the user must open a LightBox. He can then change the values of these fields and upon closing the LightBox, the new values are copied into the dataset fields and the dataset is saved. When this happens, the TextInput objects update immediately, but the SelectionTags object doesn't. And for the life of me I can't figure out why. I tried refreshing the dataset, but no go. Can anyone help? wixWindow.openLightbox("Modify", { lan: $w('#txtLan').text, price: $w('#txtPrice').text, tags: $w('#selTags').options }) .then( (data) => { $w("#dat").setFieldValue("Lan", data.lan); $w("#dat").setFieldValue("Price", data.price); $w("#dat").setFieldValue("Topics", data.tags); $w("#dat").save() } );
International Covid Summit
May 21, 2023
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, the Google Map objects can have multiple markers, so I linked a Google Map object to a dataset that has an ADDRESS field. In edit mode the markers appear, but not in live mode. I need multiple markers to appear on the world map based on the contents of my collection. Is that at all possible?
Google Maps multiple markers from dataset not working content media
International Covid Summit
May 16, 2023
In Coding with Velo
I'm having an issue with retrieving a logged in member's ID. I'm using the backend function: import { currentMember } from 'wix-members-backend' export function myGetCurrentMemberFunction() { return currentMember.getMember() .then((member) => { return member._id; }) .catch((error) => { return error; }) } If I run it from the backend, it fetches the member's ID correctly. When I call this function from the front end of my published site and the currently logged in member is the owner, it runs correctly. If the owner logs out and someone else logs in, it doesn't return anything and the rest of the page just doesn't load. What am I doing wrong?
International Covid Summit
Jul 15, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I have a Dataset that I want to allow users to filter based on whether they enter filtering criteria or not. There are 4 types of filtering criteria: 'color', 'height', 'width' and 'length'. I therefore need to build a query based on which fields the user fills in, IF he fills them in. This is my code: $w("#datSearch").setFilter( wixData.filter() .eq("color", $w("#txtColor").value) .eq("height", $w("#txtHeight").value) .eq("width", $w("#txtWidth").value) .eq("length", $w("#txtLength").value)) .then( () => { console.log("FILTERED!"); } ) If the user fills in only one field it works fine. When a user fills in 2 or more fields, it doesn't work anymore. Example: If the user enters filtering criteria for color (say, 'blue') and length (say, '59'), I'd expect the dataset to be filtered for 'blue' AND '59'.
International Covid Summit
Jul 09, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I'm trying to use the Google Translate API in my website. I imported the 'google-cloud/translate' npm package and added the following sample code that Google provided. const {TranslationServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/translate'); const translationClient = new TranslationServiceClient(); const projectId = 'MYPROJECTID'; const location = 'global'; const text = 'Hello, world!'; async function translateText() { const request = { parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}`, contents: [text], mimeType: 'text/plain', // mime types: text/plain, text/html sourceLanguageCode: 'en', targetLanguageCode: 'es', }; const [response] = await translationClient.translateText(request); for (const translation of response.translations) { console.log(`Translation: ${translation.translatedText}`); } } $w.onReady(function () { console.log("OK"); translateText(); }); When I preview the page, the code doesn't execute, not even the console.log("OK"); line. I noticed that if I comment out the 'require' line, the code executes (with no translation occurring of course). So I figure it's the call to the npm package that's somehow generating an error. Ideas?
International Covid Summit
Jul 08, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I'm trying to find out how many prople booked a specific service, but I haven't been able to find the collection that contains that info. Does anyone know?
International Covid Summit
May 15, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I have a collection called GROUPS, which has a multi-reference field ('memberCollection') to the 'PrivateMembersData' collection. I need to filter the collection based on the currently logged on member. If he's in the group, then I need to visualize a repeater connected to the GROUPS collection. Here's the code: let res = await wixData.queryReferenced('GROUPS',, 'memberCollection'); $w("#datGroups").setFilter( wixData.filter() .hasSome("memberCollection", JSON.stringify(res.items, undefined, ' '))) // ) .then( () => { console.log("filtered!"); } ); The filter is not working. How do I do it?
International Covid Summit
May 10, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I'm looking for a way to allow members to create a new service (one-on-one or classroom) by filling out a form on my website. Is that at all possible?
International Covid Summit
May 08, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I have a collection called GROUPS that points to the PrivateMembersData collection. My page has a dataset that points to the GROUPS collection. I need to filter the dataset based on whether the Owner of the group is the currently logged in member OR whether the user is one of the members belonging to the group crossreferenced by the field "groupMembers". If I used a query it would look like this: wixData.query("GROUPS") .include("groupMembers") // My crossreference field to PrivateMembersData collection .eq("_owner", memberId) .or(wixData.query("GROUPS") .include("loginEmail", "")) .find() .then( (results) => { console.log(results); } ); This works just fine if I use a query, but since I'm using a dataset, I need to filter it in a similar fashion so as to get the same result. Unfortunately, the setFilter function doesn't allow me to use the "include" statement. How can I do it?
International Covid Summit
Apr 30, 2022
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I'm setting up a page to allow users to upload multiple image files. I followed instructions on how to link the upload button to a MEDIA GALLERY field in a Collection... ...but when I try uploading from my web page, the first record is what I get: The pictures that appear in the records below are the ones generated automatically when I add the repeater object to the page. What am I doing wrong?
Uploading multiple file error content media
International Covid Summit
Apr 30, 2022
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I created a public dynamic page... ...but I only seem to be able to access it as a logged on member, and not just any member, but the site admin. If I log out and try to access the page, I get this: If I log on as another user who is not admin, I get this... What am I doing wrong? I need the page to be accessible to everyone, even someone who is not a site member.
Dynamic pages unreachable content media
International Covid Summit
Apr 29, 2022
In Site & Page Design
Hi, I created a public dynamic page... ...but I only seem to be able to access it as a logged on member, and not just any member, but the site admin. If I log out and try to access the page, I get this: If I log on as another user who is not admin, I get this... What am I doing wrong? I need the page to be accessible to everyone, even someone who is not a site member.
Dynamic pages not allowing access content media
International Covid Summit
Mar 04, 2022
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, is there a way to make a Wix Forum or Blog public so that in order to write a post one doesn't have to sign in as a member?
International Covid Summit
Mar 04, 2022
In Site & Page Design
Hi all, is there a way to make a Wix Forum or Blog public so that in order to write a post one doesn't have to sign in as a member?
International Covid Summit
Feb 19, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I'm having an issue authenticating members to the website. When I create new test members using other credentials, the member ID I keep getting upon their logging on is mine (me being the webmaster). I'm using the standard authentication method as described in the Wix Help manual. authentication.promptLogin({ mode: 'login', modal: true }) .then(() => { currentMember.getMember({ fieldsets: [ 'FULL' ] }) .then((member) => { console.log(member._id); ... Whatever member I log in with, the function always returns my member ID. I tried emptying the cache, but no go. I'm using the latest Chrome.
International Covid Summit
Feb 11, 2022
In Site & Page Design
I have some collapsed elements which properly disappear on my desktop version, but not on my mobile version. I've read through some of the articles which suggest to place elements in a Container Box. I've done it and now they disappear and appear correctly in the desktop version, but in the mobile version they don't appear. Here is the page:
International Covid Summit
Feb 11, 2022
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, I'm fetching some external info which works fine on desktop, but doesn't return anything on mobile. Is this a known issue? var requestURL = ''; var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', requestURL); request.responseType = 'json'; request.send(); request.onload = function() { totalAmount = Number(request.response.rates[currencyCode]).toFixed(2); }
International Covid Summit
Feb 05, 2022
In Site & Page Design
Hi all, I've tried following the 70px rule (, but it doesn't work. I have several collapsable sections and I assume the space occupied by those elements that are not supposed to collapse, makes up for that 70px. Each section open up at the click of a button, so the section headers and buttons remain visible at all times. I have 7 sections in all and the white space below the footer is really really long. How do I get rid of it???

International Covid Summit

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