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J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
May 20, 2021
In Site & Page Design
Hi guys, I'm trying to use an SVG favicon, but it doesn't let me (the ADD button is greyed). According to this article it sounds like Wix supports SVG favicons. Any advice?
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Sep 24, 2020
In Velo Pro Discussion
Hi, if any of you has used the ws npm on wix sites, please let me know.
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Sep 10, 2020
In Velo Pro Discussion
Hi guys, What service do you use for automatically monitoring page upload time etc.. on your Wix sites?
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Sep 09, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi guys, I'm creating a platform for multi- sellers. Each seller should be able to let their clients book an appointment. I have a dynamic page per seller which should contain his/her booking calendar. Wix Booking doesn't fit to this purpose as it's a B2C solution and my platform is B2B2C. My question is if any of you knows a 3rd party or an NPM that will help me accomplish it.
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Aug 31, 2020
In Velo Pro Discussion
Sorry for posting it here, but there's no other place I can look for an answer (I believe Wix support won't help me with that). So I have a script to change the page background color on the tracking&analytics section (unfortunately Corvid doesn't support that. Why not by the way?). It works great for static pages, but it fails to work on dynamic pages. So my question for you is if any of you has ever succeeded to apply any code from the tracking&analytics section on dynamic pages (if yes, I'll try to figure out what I'm doing wrong).
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Aug 02, 2020
In Velo Pro Discussion
So, I need to provide an iframe source to my users to implement in their own websites. This iframe will have a button to start a Zoom conversation (based on a link provided by the host), and the button should be displayed only if the host is available. The availability status is fed to my database and the button status should change immediately in accordance. I have some ideas how to do that, but it's probably not the most efficient way, so I'll be happy to hear your opinions. Thanks
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Jul 06, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I created a button using custom element. I set it to "width: 100%". From some reason the button is 100% on preview mode but on the live site it behaves as if it was "width: auto". Before I look the issue, does anyone have a guess what it can be?
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Jul 02, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Is there any way to get or update the Contact Email (not the login email) using Corvid? Thanks,
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Jun 14, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi guys, I have an external app that sends data to Wix. I need to send many images from an external app to the media manager. What will be the best approach to handle it? (I know I can send it as base64 string, but what else can I do?)
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
May 24, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I'm trying to create an http-function like this: //...import etc... export function post_logs(request) { let options = { headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST, GET, OPTIONS", "Access-Control-Max-Age": "86400" } }; return request.body.json() .then(body => { //etc.. However when I test on Postman I'm getting: "error":{"name":"JsonSyntaxError","errorGroup":"User"}} I think it's CORS issue since I don't get it when I test it from another Wix site. Any thoughts?
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Dec 02, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I'd like to have 2 collections that one mirrors the other. i.e. if I insert a new record or update an existing one in collection1, it'll immediately update collection2 accordingly (but not vise versa. The updates always take place on collection1 first). So to do that I've created an afterUpdate and afterInsert hooks, which work fine, but the problem is that these hooks do not trigger on collection sync (from sandbox to live). any advice how to achieve my goal? Thanks,
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Dec 02, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I need to better understand how it works behind the scenes. When does the communication with the servers take place? So, I know it calls the collection before my code starts running, and my code won't run until the data received. 1. But what about filters? Do they run on the front end? 2. For dynamic pages, will only the relevant items be retrieved from the collection (as if I used .eq("field", value) or maybe it retrieves more items and filters it on the front end (?)? Thanks,
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Nov 26, 2019
In Coding with Velo
If I need to retrieve different data independently, which one will be faster: OPTION 1: //front end: Promise.all([query1, query2, query3]).then(res => {/*code*/}) or OPTION2: //front end: import {retrieveData} from 'backend/queries.jsw'; retrieveData([query1, query2, query3]).then(res => {/*code*/}); //backend: export function retrieveData(queries){ return Promise.all(queries); } What do you think?
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Nov 17, 2019
In Coding with Velo
In all my htmlComponents in all my sites, the code just disappeared from the htmlComponents on the editor (it shows 404), however it works well on live sites. That's odd. Wix Team, for your investigation
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Nov 14, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Is there a way to get the of a repeater once the onItemReady() triggers? (I mean something like the we have for event listeners?)
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Nov 06, 2019
In Coding with Velo
From some reason the afterUpdate() hook doesn't work for me when I run a sandbox-to-live synchronization. The live collection gets updated but it looks like it doesn't trigger the afterUpdate() hook on the live environment. Does it work for you?
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Nov 04, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Is there any way to get all the keys for a certain collection (even if they contain no values)? I guess the answer is no, since I've never seen any documentation for it, but if anyone has a solution, please let me know. Thanks,
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Nov 04, 2019
In Coding with Velo
gallery.onItemClicked() worked well before, but now I need to click twice in order to trigger the event handler. Gallery: Slider on the editor - "When Clicked" is set to "nothing happens". Please advise,
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Oct 31, 2019
In Coding with Velo
It worked before but suddenly it doesn't. I have a standard numeric user input set to "required" with minimum value = 1 but no special validation pattern. and it doesn't accept numbers with decimal when I type them in. Note: it doesn't happen if I remove the minimum value. Is it something new? Any advice?
J. D.
Velo Master
Velo Master
Oct 06, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Can someone confirm (or disprove) that all the backend functions run on the same machine as where the collections are stored? Thanks,

J. D.

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Velo Master
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