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Forum Posts

Jun 08, 2023
In Coding with Velo
I am new to Wix and Velo. I have a repeater (#repeater8). Each item in the repeater has a button (#btnAddToTeam) and a checkbox (#selectBox). I want the button in that repeater item to show when the checkbox is checked. When I just use regular show/hide button code, the button shows in every item in the repeater. I just want it to show in the item that has the checked box. Thanks in advance!
May 30, 2023
In Coding with Velo
I am using the built-in Wix Events app. Some of my events require a lengthy application and some can just use the registration form included with Wix. I would like a button to show taking users to the page containing the lengthy application only for those events that require it. For other events, I want to hide the button. To hide it, I need to get the current event showing on the page, but everything is locked down. How can I write code to get the event title showing on the page from the Events collection and then show or hide the button based on the title?


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